Friday Go Forward: Week 7


  • KGS - 1 game ( 1 win : 0 loss )


  • Essential Life & Death (Vol. 2) - Complete
  • Go Game - Life and Death (iPad App) - Practice Phase 2 (Class 3 - 5)


  • Elementary Go Series, Volume 5 - Attack and Defense - Page 1 - 20
  • Dictionary of Basic Joseki: Volume 1 - Page 16 - 32
  • The Chinese Opening - Pages 50 - 63
  • 36 Stratagems Applied to Go - Pages 1 - 9


Overall, it’s been a rather quiet week in terms of games. In the meanwhile though, I’ve had lots of little bits of free time that have allowed me to peruse various topics that I’ve had my eye on for some time. So in terms of learning new things, it’s been a rather enriching week. I still have a lot to sort through regarding lessons that I’ve had from frozensoul, zyoda, and Myung, but I’m hoping to get to them next week so I can really solidify what they’ve taught me.